Sam-I-Am's Builder Blog

Work type stuff - handy urls and notes on the trials and tribulations of a web builder.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

More perl-based, flat text file driven blog software. But this one looks even simpler and idiot proof-er. Downloading...

Friday, May 24, 2002

Caching / Mirroring Proxies
With renewed enthusiasm for a configurable (on the fly) proxy that would let me stop/start mirroring an arbitrary browsing session I went hunting again. These might be starting points

w3mir - all purpose HTTP-copying and mirroring tool
Caching HTTP proxy CGI module (early effort)
Re: Filtering web proxy (re perl/python FilterProxy daemon)

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Inside the rebuild
This is from last year's evolt redesign, and I've just now read right through. It's a great treatise on how smart coding and design can keep everyone happy.

Friday, May 10, 2002 Weblog
looking for a light-weight, simple bug/issue tracking system. So was this guy, so I'll start here. Request Tracker [Nov. 28, 2001]
a list of debuggers and issue/version tracking software