Process Timeline
This list of processes (as summarised / noteform observations)
was something I gathered together to accompany a studio show
of several small sculptures back in 95.
While helping to literally
explain what was in front of them, I also wanted to offer the
viewer the idea that the work was an activity stretched over
time, as well as an object in (a small) space.
For now I'll use it to give a kind of overview of the activity.
Earlier works (kitchen table sculpture)
- cutting, assembling, arranging
- baking (random process) - home
- subsequent shaping and working
(eg with bodyfiller),
breaking reassembling to make new sculptures (Sculptures)
- carving and baking:
- using baking as a predictable
but distorting process,
- as a means of dehydration,
- arresting deformation and
decay of Potato (involves cooking)
- making repeatable units signifying
units forms
P. as a viable material for sculpture
- very delicate brittle nature
- distortion
- loss of form
- measurement
- proportion
- - led to search for alternative
process (to facilitate different uses, applications, goals)
- regular geometric shapes cut and
dried / baked,
- greater air circulation, source
of hot dry air - sped up process
- no longer a kitchen table process
- studio based activity
- distortion, shrinkage - measurable
as around 12 to 13%,
these results still greatly distorted and irregular
- looked into non-heat based drying
/ preserving
- (dead ends: candying / glazing
- sugar based processes
- use of salt as dessicant -
draw out water, also replace water with crystal matrix
- pressure drying - forming
- using dry air (for heat regular
light bulbs used)
- sandwiching P. slices between
wood blocks with and without various gauze / perforated sheet
/ expanded sheet metal to aid circulation of air
- varied results - arising from
different conditions / preparations - in terms of
- texture,
- workability,
- colour,
- pattern,
- surface
possibility of more predictable and
stable product and process opens Q. of next step / goal
- changed significance of P. in
all this?
- role to play in making sculpture
- material,
- inset,
- part,
- decoration,
- as signifier,
- key / clue,
- metaphor,
- residue,
- witness to process
- as means towards an end,
- catalyst,
- lynch-pin / arbitrary
- gratuitous
- seductive
- precious
- old hat
- incidental
finally uninteresting / worthwhile?