H O M E   
Sam-I-Am Does Potatoes


&t; gallery .
. . .
  Nodal Peice (installation view)
dried potato, grout
500mm x 450mm x 35mm

The following is an extract from the statement I wrote for the show this piece featured in:

"I have flown quite a lot this year, and I think this has been a strong influence in the making of this work. The changing perception and awareness of scale when taking off and landing, have fed into my work generally, and caused me to see more clearly what I am working with in the small vegetable pieces.

The size of potato slices used in this construction (new salad and small Egyptian potatoes were selected) and the delicacy involved become integral in the final appearance of the works. (The grout is used here in order to consolidate the piece both visually and physically.)

The materials, processes (and tongue-in-cheek) involved are ultimately secondary however; above all these are Objects. "

The 'Nodal Piece' was conceived to be shown in isolation, on the floor. Ive another shot of it here.

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