An Introduction

These pages were first built back in 1997, much has changed since then, but I've left them up because much remains true, I've not got round to updating or replacing them, and they have some historical interest (to me anyhow)

I've built these pages to put out to air the potato sculpture I've been making for the last few years.

small potato photo

Check out What You Need To Know: In Brief then come back here.

What I'm presenting here are some pictures and notes from over the years. The most recent stuff is missing... I describe what I've been up to here...

I'm actively seeking comments. Any technical insights or comments are particularly welcome, as are any feedback. One thought I had for this site was a kind of a database of potato annecdotes, folklore and facts. Send any of those along too - with the source if you know it.

Send Potato Feedback

You might at this point be asking why potato?.

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