Been looking out for something like this for a while: User Interface Markup Language. The xml momentum is building. I like it.
lcoalhost.com working too
This was the original domain I wanted..
Incredible and actually geniunely entertaining….
Kelley Update
No baby yet. Tues Dec 5th was the official due date. We move into extra time.
Is up and running. I got tired of mistyping http://localhost/ and getting sent to a non-existant server. Its perl/cgi using a custom 404 handler to suggest the intended URI, or even redirect you straight there if you’ve set the cookie to do so.
Liveconnect workarounds
Javascript to Java communication for IE Macintosh
List All Links Bookmarklet (and others)
Bookmarklets - Page Data tools
File Upload
Timely link for me: The CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts: Perl: File Management: File Uploading
Color Picker
Page contains a link to a sweet DHTML color picker - than shows you RBG / HLS / HSB color spaces, choice of single, complementary and triadic color panes, and lets you snap to the nearest websafe color. I like it.
Building a Multilingual Web Site
Speaking in Charsets (Web Techniques, Sep 2000)