JSRS Javascript Remote Scripting
JSRS Javascript Remote Scripting
Requesting and capturing a server response from within a page (without a refresh) with client-side js. This is very cool – if it works cross platform/browser.
JSRS Javascript Remote Scripting
Requesting and capturing a server response from within a page (without a refresh) with client-side js. This is very cool – if it works cross platform/browser.
glish.com : css hacks
and Box Model Hack for more on practical css with the current crop of browsers.
Steal This Page
In-situ page editor, dhtml stylee. I knew someone somewhere must have attempted something like this, dissatisfied with the MS DHTML Editing Control and WYSIWYG editors in general. Finally I started writing one myself and in the process turned this up with a search for “dhtml bookmarklet text selection”. This is very cool, and provides a great starting point for what I really want to see - a sensible, configurable wysiwyg editor/environment for basic page updates and changes.
A List Apart: SIZE MATTERS: Making CSS Keywords Work
interesting, I’ll give this a whirl. He side-steps the whole NN4 thing by doing all the relative sizing in an @import-ed style sheet, but that may be the most reasonable strategy.
More potato packaging
Sainsbury´s launches biodegradable trays
Being Left-Handed: A Left-Handed Home Page
A lot of stuff I need to come back and read through - articles etc.
Installing Perl5 Modules yourself on your Virtual Server
After some digging I finally found the information I need.. (url updated)
How Stuff Works
Eclectic how-to articles on all sorts.
Mud Dauber Wasps
ah.. that’s what they are. We have a few of these strange mud nests around the outside of the house, and I just found a new one in the garage. The wasps are solitary, the “nests” are not guarded and just house lavae, and paralyzed spider or similar for food.