Solar Dehydrators
Solar Dehydrators
a workable design
descriptions of a few variations
Solar Dehydrators
a workable design
descriptions of a few variations
City of Austin - Public Works Department / PMD and ESD
wow the city of austin publishes salvage opportunities - schedules for demolitions etc.
Vacuum Forming
instructions/plans for building a vacuum former. Handy thing.
Hide CSS from Browsers
A handy summary of tricks and hacks to accomodate / workaround browser failings.
Installing CPAN Modules
with win32 instructions and a link to dmake (which seems to work here, where nmae and cygwin’s make does not)
jscorch game
hey this is fun.. and some impressive work.
Richard’s DynAPI2 info
Some wild dhtml examples and snippets using the DynAPI2 Information Center for Low-tech sustainability
lots of articles and resources to go through on building, heating, etc.
PPK’s CSS 2 compatability tests
Handy little chart and bug notes on CSS2 support.
Edit HTML With a One-Line Perl Program
Some handy one-liners for the reckless :)