Perl - Excel FAQ
Perl - Excel FAQ
and this example: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
And there’s a XML::SAXDriver::Excel, for transforming Excel to XML.
or there’s the win32 OLE route
Perl - Excel FAQ
and this example: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
And there’s a XML::SAXDriver::Excel, for transforming Excel to XML.
or there’s the win32 OLE route
Ginger - A Modern Herbal | Ginger - Herb Profile and Information - treating and preserving the rhizome as well as usage.
<a href=”":>Growing your own ginger - pot it up, allow to die back in winter, dont let it freeze.
and more details on getted started growing ginger
more tips..
or how about hydroponically, in couch foam?
this is a command line utility for converting perl scripts to executable files (.exe), which can then be run without a perl install. I’m looking at this as a way of making droplets to perform simples tasks on the files/folders you drop on them. There’s a shareware version (flashes a command prompt with a message each time your .exe is run) or lite & pro commercial versions. - File Conversion Software
Includes a word2html product that might be worth a spin (demo avail, ~$170 single seat)
Terry Morse’s Myrmidon
I keep running into and it still looks like one of the best tools out there. Mac-based, installs as a print driver, so you can convert to html from any application that has a print function. Need to check it out against some sample Word docs, but the setup options and a quick test against a simpletext doc look promising. Still wouldn’t hurt to push that output through Tidy or similar, but it looks clean.
And it’s apparently now free. My kind of price…
RTF2HTML (EasyByte Software Ltd)
COMponent (not MS Office dependant) that will output fragments or whole html pages.
Yahoo!… WWW > HTML Converters
still looking for good MS Word to HTML tools… maybe here’s a place to start.
bin2hex - script to convert data files into source code arrays
Handy perl script that outputs a hex string of a binary file.
CGI - Browser Based WYSIWYG HTML Editor
with a downloadable backend for handling save/create/etc functionality ($850).
I’m informed (by WebEdit Professional) that these guys are rip-off artists and are reselling other people’s code. I can’t verify that but I’ve removed the link in case it’s true… .
Interesting and detailed account of trying to build an underground culvert house (shaped corrugated steel). Includes description of an "insulation umbrella" as a means towards passive heat storage.
How to Make Tofu
I just wanted to know…