line numbered code.

line numbered code.

this is very sweet - classing the PRE tag makes a cheap and easy way to get line-numbering with a background image providing the #s.

I’ve been using an SSI to include raw code into a XMP tag (sadly depreciated but works still in most browsers), for maintenance-free code listings and this would be a nice touch there.

Identifying Plastic

Identifying Plastic

A chart with what the recyclable numbers / plastic ids mean - e.g [2] is HDPE, which is high density polyethylene. There’s also a table of properties and common usage (and repair method), and a flow chart helping to id unknown plastics.

Updates to this blog

Updates to this blog

I’ve made this blog (actually the whole site) searchable - look to the leftnav. This should hopefully mitigate the problem of ephemoral content on the blog page. I see a lot of hits where people have searched for a term, and landed on my blog page - which has long since moved on to other stuff.