She Arrived
Cassidy was born on Wednesday Oct 08th, at 11:46pm. She was 7lb, 9oz and 20 1/4" long. Ask us for the birth story another time, for now suffice it to say that both she and Kelley are doing well.
Sam, 10/10/03
Week 34
We had another sonogram this week to check the placental placement. Everything is where it should be and we should have no trouble delivering at home. In addition we got to see our little darling again. She's already 5 pounds 4 oz (give or take a bit) which is quite sizable for 34 weeks. Her head circumference is normal for this stage though....yay!
We're having a girl!
"Cassidy" should arrive sometime in mid October. I still know nothing about girls - especially baby ones - being one of 4 boys, but I cant wait.